“Trump is a Threat to Democracy,”

President Biden repeatedly warned us.

Peter Wynkoop
2 min readJul 23, 2024
Image: BBC News

Democratic party leaders have made that statement throughout 2023 and 2024.

But what is the true threat to our democracy?

The real threat to our democracy

Despite Mr. Biden’s having been nominated by millions of voters in the Democrats’ primary election, making him the presumptive nominee for president in 2024, many leaders of the Democratic party recently have been working to convince the president to withdraw from the campaign.

Using rumors or leaks to the media, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the House Minority Leader have planned to persuade Biden to leave, or force him from the campaign.

The president has asserted several times that he will not leave the campaign, insisting that he is the only candidate who can defeat Mr. Trump.

What does the effort by Democratic party leaders constitute? It looks remarkably like a coup d’etat — a coup!

Democrats vs. Democracy

Now we see that the Democrats’ efforts have paid off — the president has withdrawn from his campaign for president in 2024. The pressure on Mr. Biden was sufficient to overcome his earlier objections, and he agreed to step aside at the end of his term.

What did it take for Mr. Biden to change his mind about such a momentous decision?

  • An extravagant President Biden Library;
  • Tens of millions of dollars;
  • Threats of embarrassment to him and his family?

To paraphrase Mrs. Pelosi’s words from a few days ago, “It can be the easy way, or the hard way”.

It’s unlikely that the public will learn the reasons for the president’s change of heart.

Bottom line:

In the end, the most obvious event common to this series of circumstances is the effort by Democratic party leaders to counter President Biden’s insistence on running for president — the coup, the real threat to democracy.

